Hello Greg!

On Saturday, July 16, 2005, 11:40 AM, you wrote:

>> Well I've gone back to 3.51.3, v3.5.36, & now v3.51 and problem
>> persists. I'm thinking something went astray with config files in TB.
>> I've got 3 bootable partitions with TB in each. So I'll give that a
>> try.

> I'm in another bootable partition with v3.5.36 and problem persists.
> I do not recall this problem earlier v3.5.36. Since my TB
> installation is on the C drive/partition and my mail directory is on
> the X drive/partition there has to be some configuration file in the
> mail directory that is causing the problem.

Greg, just a thought: v. 3.51.4 made a hash of ASK's sig template;
what if it has disabled your Reply template in a similar fashion? And
then, when you went back to earlier versions, that disabling action
was still conserved?

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.4 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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