Hello Goncalo,

> I have TB! running for almost an hour, I'm replying to TBBeta and
> this it the memory consumption.

I sent this to BT, please support it if you think:

Summary:                    Memory leak
On TBBETA we had more confirmation on it, and some people said, they dont
see it...

1. Check the memory usage need of TB! in task manager. Lets say it is X
2.  Using a POP account, Ctrl+N,  new mail. And just close hat window,
dont do anything. Repeat it, for example 10 times.
3.  Check the mem. need of TB! in task manager. It will be ca. X+3 MB.
So, more email you create or send, more RAM will be used up...

And the notes:
Note 1. If you just open and close a mail to read (I dont use message
preview, I open them full screen), it seems to be increase the mem. usage,
Note 2. Alexander S. Kunz wrote, and I can confirm this: "I can confirm
this (the memory leak), too - however, when I minimize TB to the system
and then open it again, memory usage is back to "normal" again (28mb
starting TB, 37mb after open & closing about 20 new message windows, 10mb
right now)."

So this "leak" seems to "evaporate" if we minimize TB!..

PS.: No antivirus software, no plugin, WinXP Home SP1 :)), 512 MB RAM.
TB! v3.51.4

The Bat 3.51.4 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 1

 Current beta is 3.51.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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