On 7/19/2005, 02:15 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Hello Mike!

MB> On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 2:06 PM, you wrote:

>> Question for those using pre-3.51.4 versions of TB!. I have my mail
>> filtered to Common Folders for TBBETA and TBOT. When I am in a Common
>> Folder, my "Get Mail" button is grayed out. I don't seem to remember
>> this being the case. I thought, pre 51.4, I could check my mail from a
>> Common Folder. A "Get Mail for All Accounts" Hot Key doesn't seem to
>> work either.

MB> Working fine here. Not grayed out in v.

MB> I have one Common Folder--I made it accidentally when I created one
MB> for my Bug Tracker notifications and found it so handy that I just
MB> kept it as a Common Folder.

Hmmmmmm, now is this a bug or feature? I feel it is a bug. Why should
I have to stop browsing my Common Folder, click on an account, check
my mail and then go back to the Common Folder and restart my browsing?




               :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.51.4 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.51.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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