On Wednesday, July 20, 2005, 4:59:33 PM, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

>> I never had a problem before, but of late I've been noting that I
>> have to be reflowing quoted material in reply messages. I never had
>> to do that before. The smartwrapping of the text is just messed up
>> and saw-toothed.

>> I'm using MicroEd, of course. :)

> Same problem here (with lines that exceed the wrapping limit when
> they get
> a quote prefix). I thought it was a one-time quirk, but now that you
> mention it, I'm not so sure anymore.

This matches my experience as well. I won't reflow anything here, and
you can see particularly the errors in Alexander's.

Dwight A. Corrin
928 S Broadway
Wichita KS 67211
316.303.1411  fax 316.265.7568
dcorrin at fastmail.fm
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