Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, July 27, 2005, 2:06:09 PM, you wrote:

FM>> I have found that if I sort messages by receive date, and the receive
FM>> date  is  the  same  for some messages (that is, they are all fetched
FM>> from pop3 in the same minute), they are shown in an order that is not
FM>> the same they were received in.

SC> Unless you have a specific reason for sorting by Received time you may
SC> want  to  switch  by Created time. This way replies are usually after
SC> the original message.

This  is  what  I'm doing now, actually switching between receive date and
create  date,  because  some sender has corrupted clock or wrong timezone,
scrambling the list order again.

I  thought that using receive date could lead to a quite perfectly ordered
list.  (I  know  that during its travel between the sender's server and my
server  mail  can  get  struck in some queue and so I can actually receive
some mail out of order, but this is the best we can get)

I  also  seem  to recall that in older versions of TB I had no issues with
"receive time" sorting, but maybe it was an old 2.x version.

Now  I'm  running  my  own mail server, so my pop3 server is on a 100 Mbit
connection,  and  I get mail very fast, maybe 50 messages/second.

Maybe  another  solution could be not to sort anything at all, this should
show  messages  the  way they are loaded into message base, but this could
not be an option, depending on the way messages are actually inserted into
the database.

Anyway,  I'd  like  some  feedback from Ritlabs: is this a bug? What's the
resolution  of the "received" timestamp? Can this problem be solved easily
or not?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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