Hello Greg!

On Saturday, August 06, 2005, 9:20 AM, you wrote:

>> Finally, yesterday, my round-about brain told me to look at my AB
>> templates. ... This fixed the problem, and, so far, the fix is
>> sticking.

> Why is it when it comes to problem solving we look at the AB templates
> last?  :-) I had similar type problem a while back.

LOL Blind spot, in my case, I think!

> ...<snip>

>> Possibly the message-list loss was due to something flakey in how
>> Windows handled my attempt to export to a Unix Mailbox. I never did
>> find the file, but all the messages disappeared from the folder I had
>> tried to export from.

> Before I replied on the export to Unix Mailbox I tried it. I had no
> problem in v3.51.10 with the export of 1 message. Worked great!

Good to hear. Thanks for double-checking it for me. It's something
local here, I think--either I did something wrong or Windows failed to
cooperate with me in some way.

Anyway, when I"m feeling less antsy and am recovered completely from
yesterday's frazzlement, I'll try it again.

Vili offered PM to help me with it (if it still gives trouble) if I
would send him screen shots. So, later. Still engaged in morning
household chores here and peeking in at e-mail from time to time. :)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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