Hallo Peter, 

Op woensdag 31 augustus 2005, 18:27:04, schreef Peter Hampf:

RO>> Not sure what you mean,
> he's talking about a different bug.

Ah. That threw me off.

> Right-click on your name which is shown as

>  From:    Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (E-mailaholics International)

> and select "Reply to this address".

Okay, I did so for your address. And the (O/T HQ) didn't get inserted
as far as I can see.
BTW I never told you personally how much I appreciated O/T back then.
I guess you appreciated my registration though. ;-)

> TB will insert "Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (E-mailaholics 
> International)"
> as the recipient instead of just "Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".

I'll cc this to tbbeta as another bug I can't confirm.

Groetjes, Roelof

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