IMAP-Filtering still stops working after not reproduceable


I think they did it again
They made me believe, the bugs have all gone
Oh baby
It might seem like it works
But it doesn't mean that they're serious
'Cause to loose all my e-mails
That is just so typically them
Oh baby, baby

Oops!...They did it again
They played with my mail, got lost in their code
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...They think we're not in rage
That they're sent from above
But they're not that innocent

You see our problem is this
We're dreaming away
Wishing that IMAP, it truly exists
We cry, trying to filter our mails
Can't you see we're fools in so many ways
But to loose all our e-mails
That is just so typically them
Baby, oh

Oops!...they did it again to our mails
Got lost in their source, oh baby
Oops!... We think they're sent from beyond
We're not that ignorant

Nbg, 14.09.2005, 22:44

TheBat! 3.61.04 beta - Windows XP (Service Pack 2 Build 2600)

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