Hi MikeD,

on Mon, 3 Oct 2005 14:01:48 -0500GMT, you wrote:

M2> Have you tried adjusting your 'threshold'?  I have been using BayesIt
M2> and have not had that problem.  I almost never have false positives.

My problem with BayesIt were not false positives. There were none.

M2> But between 20 and 30% of the spam doesn't get filtered.

Over 95% here. :-(

M2> Just adjust the threshold up a bit each time you get a false
M2> positive and that should solve the problem ... but you will end up
M2> letting more spam through.

There is already most spam coming through undetected. So, maybe I
should lower the threshold instead, risking false positives... hmm

M2> But for me, it is less of a problem to deal with the little bit of
M2> spam tht gets trhough

Alas, that's not a little bit, but almost all of it.

M2> than it is to have to deal with a proxy like K9.

There is not much to deal with, once installed and set up for the
accounts. :shrug:

M2> But others feel that K9 (or other proxy) is worth the hassel.

You're right. No hassle at all for me, plus it works. :))


The Bat! v3.61.09 Echo :beta: on Win2K, SP4, 5, 0, build 2195
plenty of POP accounts, no IMAP, OTFE enabled
Dell Latitude C600 P3 at 1002 MHz, 512 MB RAM

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