On Wednesday, October 05, 2005, at 01:54 PM, John Thomas

> The only reason I would not download the attachment initially is to
> speed up my reading of the message.

Yes. Part of the IMAP protocol includes the ability to download parts
of the message at a time. This allows more efficient use of the
bandwidth. I may wish to read the 4kb text portion and not bog down my
connection retrieving the 5MB attachment. When well implemented, IMAP
should allow you to *selectively* download attachments when there are
multiple attachments within the message. Currently, TB! is all or
none, in that it will either download none, or retrieve them all at

> Further, does The Bat! have a way to indicate which attachments are
> downloaded (i.e. when I go to forward a message how do I know if the
> attachments are downloaded or not?

It doesn't have the ability to download only some of the attachments.
It will either retrieve them all or none. Additionally, the only way I
can tell whether or not an attachment has been retrieved is if TB!'s
internal viewer can handle the attachment and the tab/s are present
for me to select and view the attachment. There would be no visible
tab/s if the attachment/s was/were not downloaded.

> But, the concept is silly, in my view. If I forward a message, I
> expect the attachments to be forwarded with it. If do not want the
> attachments forwarded, I would remove them prior to hitting send.

I agree with this. The default behaviour should be that the
attachments are included. The user may then delete them from the

As to the IMAP specific issue of forwarding when the attachment/s have
not yet been retrieved? IMO, if I choose to forward the message, TB!
should display a popup explaining that the attachments have not been
retrieved and whether or not the user wishes to retrieve and forward
the attachment/s as well. It's not pleasant when your connection is
bogged down forwarding a message with a large attachment that had not
yet been retrieve.

-= Curtis=-
Using TB! v3.61.07 Echo (Beta)
System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name
...Should I weed the lawn or say it's a garden?

Attachment: pgpBSmTPrhzFr.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.61.09 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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