On Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 20:31:31, Jernej Simoncic wrote:

> On Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 18:45:11, 9Val wrote:
>> The Bat! 3.61.12 Echo (Beta) is now available from:
>> http://www.ritlabs.com/en/tbbeta/
> Looks like this version doesn't suffer from constant AVs and crashes like
> .11 did.

I've got another problem though - some messages don't appear - actually, the
text is there, but it isn't displayed - the cursor does change to a hand
over a link, and I can open it, but I don't see anything in the Rich Text
Viewer (If I try to select text with my mouse, the cursor leaves trails
behind though). I attached a sample message.

< Jernej Simoncic ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

[The Bat! v3.61.12 Echo (Beta) on Windows 2003 5.2.3790.Service Pack 1]

Nails are selectively attracted to the inside wheel on a dual wheeled vehicle.
       -- The Puncture Principle
--- Begin Message ---

LytHka je pravkar odgovoril na temo, o kateri dobivas obvestila, z nazivom 
"Sreèanje Japankarjev".

lawl, pa saj to ne bi bil namen, da pa zaidemo v debate itd. Recimo, da se 
bli¾a eno Jokerjevo sreèanje ali kontest ali kaj podobnega, pa nekje postavijo 
¹e en kavè pa projektor, pa se gleda GITS, FF7: AC ali pa kak Naruto film, 
zravn pa se pije La¹ko ali kaj podobnega.  :sorcerer:

Doticno temo lahko najdes tukajle:

V to temo je morebiti prispelo vec odgovorov, vendar je za vsak obisk foruma in 
teme, glede katere prejemas sporocila, predvideno posiljanje le ene e-postne 
opombe. Na ta nacin je omejena kolicina e-poste, ki ti uletava v predal. 


Kadarkoli se lahko odjavis, ce stopia v svojo nadzorno plosco in kliknes 
povezavo 'Ogled narocil'. 


Mostvo foruma, zvanega Mn3njalnik.

--- End Message ---
 Current beta is 3.61.12 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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