Hello everyone,

I don't know how to start exactly. Looking at the way HTML is handled now
in replies, I see there's a difference between the way TB operates now and
what people expect.

What I completely miss is Ritlabs actually ASKING the community here and on
TBUDL just *how* this should work. I mean, after all, we're the users, and
we should know :) how we want this. But instead, suddenly something is
implemented in a way that nobody knew, and now its "there you have it, deal
with it." See mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] on TBUDL, for example.

This leads us to the old "roadmap" discussion again, and it shows a clear
lack of detail in what was posted as "roadmap" a while ago here by the

For example, in which direction will HTML support go?

What we really need is not a rather "workaroundish" looking "solution" to
the old HTML reply and forward problem. TB already has an ok WYSIWYG editor
for HTML.

- HTML support should include the template system. This would avoid ALL
kind of troubles that people who really need to deal with HTML email have
to deal with, now.

- the complete template system should be splitted into two tabs for each
configuration dialogue, one tab "Plain" and one tab "HTML".

- a simple (and configurable!) logic that falls back to the plain text
template (when the message is HTML but there is no HTML reply/forward
template) should be implemented.

These are just my ideas. I'm not a developers and I don't know about the
problems that may surface when implementing these.

BUT!!! The least I'd expect would be some kind of discussion with the
community. A simple question like "would you like quotemarks with blue
background as a hard-coded default for replies to HTML messages?" would
have lead to a (maybe fierce) discussion with the community, and I'm sure
some really good ideas would have come up...

I for one would want a reply/forward to/of an HTML message happen "the
Outlook way" - yes, with all the negative points like top posting and full
quotes, and not like the current (even though better than nothing) attempt
to apply a typical plain-text reply-template to HTML messages. But thats
just me, and others may actually like the current implementation. The point
is: we don't have a choice.

So please, Ritlabs: involving the user community of a program into feature
planning and discussion is not a bad idea.

Feedback appreciated.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

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somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book. -- Groucho

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