Hello Mike,

  A reminder of what Mike Rourke on TBBETA typed on:
  Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 12:57:06 GMT -0500

> The reply, reply to all, redirect, forward, delete, mark as junk buttons
> were greyed out on the toolbar and the right-click drop down menu was
> completely greyed out,

> Anyone else seen this?

Yes, I reported it on here last week. I first noticed it when I tried to
delete a message and found that most of the icons were greyed out including
the ones you mentioned. I too had to reboot to get them back.

That was with .11, I can't honestly say it's happened with .12

I've attached the relevant post so you can see. It's the last paragraph.

Using The Bat! v3.61.12 Echo (Beta) on a G5 iMac

--- Begin Message ---
Hello Gary,

  A reminder of what Gary on TBBETA typed on:
  Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 10:56:33 GMT -0500

G> seriously, that seems to be a theme here... if you want to run a fully 
G> functioning, heavy duty client with all the goodies in the universe 
G> available to you, you have to run POP... If IMAP is your hot button, then 
G> you have to tread with caution, or use a different client.

Well The Bat in IMAP mode is 100% unusable here, it's worse than useless. If
this was my first experience with it, like most other crap applications I
try, I'd delete it within the hour and wouldn't give it a second thought.
The reason I don't dump it is I started using it at version 1.4 before I'd
ever heard of IMAP and I've come to prefer it to anything else.

I've been out all day and came home to a few dozen messages. Every single
one refuses to display until I initiate a mail check... FOR EVERY SINGE
MESSAGE a mail check session just to be able to read it. Someone complained
about it taking one second to display messages...  I WISH!

1 second? That's like greased lightening running away from the bar when it's
it's turn to buy a round.

I have The Bat, I have Mulberry, I have Entourage, I have Mail 2, Oh and I
have Outlook Express as well, every single one works flawlessly with IMAP
except the one I want to use.

So I've given up on IMAP totally and converted all my accounts to POP3 so I
can use TB! Just got to wait till Yahoo get the idea that my email address
has changed.

I tried 3.61.11 but most of my icons were greyed out, don't know if this has
been mentioned before? I couldn't delete anything so I reverted back to .10

Using The Bat! v3.61.10 Echo (Beta)

--- End Message ---
 Current beta is 3.61.12 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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