Bonjour Francis,

I know, this is totally out of topic, but as I do not intervene very
often on this list, I take the chance to correct this small
imprecision :-)

By the way, I confirm that the Umlaute-trémas-diaereses aren't
correctly displayed in 3.61.13. This being a show stopper for me, I
had to return to 3.61.10.

FD> Not always, Peter :-)

FD> In  my  sample,  "poële" pronouces "poal" and not "powel" (in english)
FD> (different sound), but "Noël" prounouces "nowel" (in english).

Sorry Francis, but Peter is right. Diaeresis is used in French to
indicate that the concerned letter does not belong to a group of
vowels pronounced as one sound: UE of "guerre" (war) is pronounced as
a single "E", while UË of "ambiguë" (ambiguous) is pronounced U-E
(separate sounds, or quasi-diphthongs). the same occurs in Spanish,
unlike the German Umlaut which indicates a specific sound: "A" of
"Bar" does not have the same value as "Ä" of "Bär" (bear), pronounced

A last word concerning "poële" or poëlle (also but rarely written
"poile", i.e. Littré ): these spelling are now obsolete - for more than
a century actually :-)

French dictionaries only accept "poêle" nowadays (i.e. Dictionnaire de
l'Académie, Robert, Quillet, Larousse, TLF). I don't know if these older
form are still in use in Belgium, Switzerland or Canada.

best regards




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