Hello Thomas,

>>> It's a fraction of a second, I always only saw flickering (since
>>> 3.60.02). Now that you say the picture appears twice for a little
>>> moment and if I really concentrate, I confirm this is the case here
>>> too, and that is what my eyes perceive as flickering.
V>>>> Anyone confirms?
>>> Confirmed.
V>> Thx.
> It was gone for a while, but the problem is back over here. I think it
> restarted with 3.61.12.

I turned off header images... Save me a problem source...

The Bat 3.61.12 Echo (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 1

 Current beta is 3.61.14 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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