Hello all,

As you reported a lot of problem with version .3 :)) :((, I would
rather not install it. Who installed it and uses it, please check
if this issue is solved (RL says it fixed):

Summary  0005211:  Tab "All" is automatically added into "Message list
tabs" context menu and Preferences section

Description  This  tab  can't  be  closed or removed, so should not be
included  in  context menu or in Preferences section. I have installed
fresh  3.61.14, restarted and now I have "All" tab included in context
menu  and  when  I  enable  it,  I  have "All" tab twice. Please check

Reproduce the bug:
1. Invoke that popup menu.
2. Deselect all tab.
3. Close TB!
4. Start TB!
5. Invoke that popup menu: see, if one more "All" tab is there or not.



 Current beta is 3.62.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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