Hello 9Val,

Quite simply the rancor comes from moving from an unstable beta
(3.62.03) to a release without a "stable beta" in between. And, of
course, there are all those things that individual people would like
fixed because they are important to them but may not be important to
the general user (or less sophisticated beta tester).

The rancor is compounded by the fact that sometimes an msi beta is
released for testing before release and other times (such as this) the
msi just magically appears.

Friday, October 28, 2005, 5:12:15 PM, you wrote:
9> 1. Is it unstable?
   No, by my standards and usage.
9> 2. Do you still remember about stable version policy?
   Probably not and some need a reminder.
9> 3. Do you still remember, that since last official release have
9> been fixed :
   I only remember those "bugs" that interfered with my use. And, I
   suspect the typical beta user only remembers those that interfere
   with their use as opposed to something that just bothered them.
9> Or may be beta-testers think that their elite position allows to
9> hide that fixes from average users?
   I am sure that no beta tester is trying to "hide" fixes from
   average users. At the same time, there are some beta testers who
   think the software should be "perfect" in every way rather than
   just fully functional for the typical user.

   For the most part, I think that people do beta testing to have a
   say/input into the final product. How much "say/input" varies with
   the individual. As such, when you moved from a seriously flawed
   version (3.62.03) to a stable version (3.62.05 as an msi), you
   knocked a few noses out of joint. If a 3.62.05 msi had been the
   "testing" version for 12 hours, quite possibly, none of the rancor
   would have surfaced.
Best regards,
 Richard Newman                         
Using The Bat! v3.62.05 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
on a Pentium 4 1.99 GHz

 Current beta is 3.62.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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