On Saturday, October 29, 2005 05:14 PM Curtis wrote:

> - There are quite a lot ... a disturbing lot who still use v2 software
> because it's more stable for them.

You're right. There are even people who use v1 and are satisfied. ;)

> Why? Works better for them. The later releases that
> contain long lists of bug fixes as you posted, are less stable for
> them.

Important point here. The fixed bug list is impressive - quite sure.
But you, 9Val, have to admit that there is a huge amount of bugs which were 
introduced by fancy features and unicode.
So this whole list of fixed bugs gives a false impression when compared to 
things that worked in v3.0.

> - I've given up on TB! IMAP for now since it let me down again when put
> to the test with a low bandwidth situation. It's no longer fun fiddling
> around.

I no longer use TB!. However, I read the list sometimes. I really was 
wondering how you, as a IMAP expert, could stick to TB!.

> So since nothing much is
> happening for IMAP, I'll stick with apps that work all the time.

Perhaps you, Ritlabs, should think about this situation. There are users who 
really love TB!. They used it as their own product - each day. They really 
know to deal with everything in the product. They paid for each new version.
However, they had to realize that TB!s development is stuck. They realize that 
the promisses to focus on IMAP have been broken once more - for fancy tabs, 
which brought new bugs.
Let me name you, Allie, and Tony (I really enjoy each of your comments here 
*g*). That's a pity and that's the point that needs discussion - nothing 

Thanks for reading.

Manuel, http://www.manuel-breitfeld.de

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of 
a profound truth may well be another profound truth.
                -- Niels Bohr

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