Hello Vili,

Saturday, November 12, 2005, 9:17:23 AM, you wrote:

> You know, we dont write too many Japanese mails :))

Apparently not, but thanks for your help.

> So, I tried it. This is what happens:

> 1. default charset is: None

> when new mail window opens, I change the charset to JIS. If I dont use
> special  characters,  the charset changes back to us-ascii . BUT: if I
> use special characters, the header shows the Japanese (JIS) charset is
> used...  So,  it seems to me that TB! "optimizes" the used charset: if
> no  special  characters  are  used: set back to the basic windows-1250
> charset, if special characters is used: use JIS charset.

I have confirmed that this is the case. If I set the default to None
under the View menu, and then send a message with Japanese in it, the
charset header is now correct (though the next header says "8 bits" when
it should be 7 bits for iso-2022-xx).

> 2. default charset is: JIS

> when  new  mail  window opens, I type some special characters, save to
> outbox, open again, set back to the basic windows-1250 charset.

> BUG. Write a BT, I support it.

Will do, thanks again.

Best regards,
 Wataru                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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