On 30/11/2005 at 1:55:47 PM [GMT -0500], Vilius Šumskas wrote:

> Clive Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> raše:

>> Still duplicates of new messages in all IMAP folders making this
>> version unworkable.

> I see a lot of people with duplicate message problem in new IMAP and 
> also a lot of people (including myself) that don't have it. Let's find 
> a common patern. What IMAP server you are using?

> I'm using Cyrus IMAP 2.2.

Maybe this'll help.

I'm using the FastMail service, which runs Cyrus IMAP server.

I did have the mail duplication problem with this TBBETA mailing list
folder of mine. However, I deleted the cache, let it rebuild and the
duplication is gone.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.63.05 (Beta) / http://specs.aimlink.name
PGPKey: http://rsakey.aimlink.name
...Never mind the facts - I know what I know.

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