Hi Matt,
         You wrote:

> Suddenly, 25+ local folders
> disappeared along with the email in them. Not good.

Were those really "local" folders or IMAP folders? Local folders cannot
be created in a TB! IMAP account. You have to use folders within a POP
account or common folders for them to be really local. The folders in
the IMAP account are really just representations of what is on the
server. If you do a reset and you have folders in the account that are
no longer on the server, they will in fact disappear. With the reset,
your folder tree is sync'd with the server in the same was as if you
were to sync a folders contents. 

  -= Curtis =-
PGPKey: http://rsakey.aimlink.name
11th Commandment: covet not thy neighbour's Pentium.

Attachment: p7sdFNXtSTxpc.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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