On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, at 08:53:57 [GMT +0100] (which was 8:53 where I
live) Vili wrote:

> Hello Greg,

>>>> 2920,59.15,"thebat.exe:1844","CreateKey","HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2
>>> Well,  I don't think it's TB! itself - at least, these points are
>>> unknown to me. From what I found in the Net, it's something about
>>> mounted network drives. My guess is - Windows is doing some tricky
>>> things there...
>> Yes,  but  the  really  strange  thing  is  it  turned up when I was
>> filtering on 'thebat.exe' which is why I asked the question here.

> It is just some logging done by the Windows. So, it is not TB! related
> issue, I think.

Checked the registry but could not find this "mount" information.

Henk M. de Bruijn
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