Hello Tbbeta,

We've updated the Voyager Installer


What's new since the last version of Voyager (3.63.09) released 11-Dec-2005?

[+] If you add Registry DWORD Value "CopyToOutboxProhibited"=1 to 
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!", The Bat! will prohibit copying 
messages to Outbox from other folders. You will be only able to foward, 
redirect, etc. messages, which will lead to creation of new messages in Outbox, 
but you will not be able to copy (or move) messages to Outbox.
[-] Unnecessary confirmation on closing message editor
[-] MailTicker didn't work in Voyager.
[-] During the installation it din't ask for OTFE mode (beta issue).
[-] Filters not worked on hardware OTFE
[-] 0005396: "Move up", "Move down", "Move in", "Move out" are not working 
correctly when moving folders across accounts
[-] (#0005295) Button "Token editor" in "Account properties" is allways 
enabled, even does nothing
[-] (#0005228) When importing certificates in Base64 format, The Bat! didn't 
ignore trailing space characters.
[-] (#0005179) Chars ??? in "Signed message verification report"
[-] (#0005427) Invalid display of free space percentage in Backu/Restore dialog
[-] (#0005207) Edit action, headers, network dialog and message finder might 
have wrong characters when using translations to Cyrillic alphabets.
[-] Empty row at the bottom of the header editor
[-] (#0005455) Special characters were not QP-encoded in headers
[-] (#0005446) Fields being edited weren't properly updated in the header editor
[-] (#0005456) %CURSOR=BODY macro was not functional (Beta)
[-] (#0005462) Custom header fields were not stored into outgoing messages 
[-] (#0005412) Attached messages used the containing message's character set 
[-] (#0005419) Wrong Tab order in the "Mass forward/redirect" window
[-] (#0005436) It could be possible to disable switching of memo auto-view on 
and off
[-] (#0005442) Only one address set was available in address picker
[-] Utilities|Address Picker was not working in the message editor
[-] If Windows default locale and language for non-unicode programs were 
different, wrong templates with non-ASCII characters generated garbage (Beta)
[*] (#0005461) More accurate paste into message header fields
[-] (#0005141) 7-bit character sets could not be used in message editor
[-] (#0005368) "Cookie from a file..." Macros button option was not working 
[-] Empty ASCII-only headers (Beta)
[-] Custom header fields were unmanageable from templates (Beta)
[-] (#0005478) Clicking on hot-tracked address header items did not have effect 
in the message editor
[-] (#0005471) "Cannot focus disabled or invisible window" error when a message 
editor was closed with automatic suggestion list open
[-] (#0005485) Ctrl+S was not working when a header was modified in editor
[-] some header editor cosmetics
[*] More accurate work with default folder's character set

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Current beta is 3.63.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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