Hello Paul!

On Monday, December 19, 2005, 4:03 PM, you wrote:

>> Shortcut Editor is a case in point, I think.

> Where is this Shortcut Editor, I can't seem to find it anywhere on
> the menus. I'd love to know because I've been fighting some of the
> shortcuts that are assigned to common tasks. Can you tell me where I
> can access this?

Yes. It's a bit tricky to use. Part of the new user interface that was
being written through the summer and fall.

View/Toolbars/Customise (from TB!'s main window.)

When you get to the Customise window, you will see a scrollable menu
at the very top. The choices are in alphabetical order. Scroll way
down and click on Shortcut Collection.

Click on one--it will appear in the Shortcut square in the bottom
right of the window. I just did it for "Underline." I clicked on Okay,
and Ctrl+U will supposedly underline for me. (Except I use MicroEd, so
I don't think so. Nope.)

There's also a way to input your own keyboard combination.

But I've never done it. I'm a mouse person.

You might ask on TBUDL. I've seen it explained there more than once.
And, since this is a part of the TB! full release, how it works is no
longer a beta issue.

However, there's overlap between those subscribed here and those
subscribed on TBUDL. So someone who does know how to do it might
contribute to the thread and answer your question here.

Sorry not to be of more help. :(

Best regards,
The Bat 3.63.15 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.63.15 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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