On Wednesday, December 21, 2005, at 11:53 AM, Stuart Cuddy

> Also, new version 3.64 has just been released.

It would seem that this issue with the updating of the cached index
has been addressed. However, I'm still testing if things are really Ok
with it. My simple test of copying some messages to the index,
deleting them via a web interface and seeing if TB! would update the
Inbox index to reflect the deletions didn't show up the problem this
time. The messages were removed from the list though strangely, in
that the remaining messages that were really still in the Inbox
disappeared leaving the the deleted ones behind. I then exited and
re-entered the folder to see that things were now as they should be.

-= Curtis=-
Using TB! v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name
...Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.

 Current beta is 3.63.16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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