Hello Vilius,

On Friday, December 23, 2005, at 11:41, you wrote:

>> 1. A better management of charsets (even if the last release pleases me a
>> lot).
>> For instance, like in 40tude dialog where you can define your
>> prefered charset and set their priority. For instance: US-ASCII >
>> ISO-8859-1 > ISO-8859-15 > UTF-8

> No, no and no. Charset selection *never* was intended to be  
> user-defined option. It is plain wrong how nowadays email clients  
> handles this. Charset must be set by MUA automatically. GMail and  
> Outlook/Outlook Express guys got it right. I hope others will catch on  
> someday.

Come on, it sound like a bad joke. Outlook Express -- as an example of good
charset handlig?

Have you tried 40tude Dialog? That program checks all characters which are
contained in the message and chooses appropriate charset automatocally. If
you're ignorant user, you just install it and write whatever language you
want -- Dialog will choose appripriate charset. If you are experienced user
you can change priority of charsets, that was Ludovic was reffering to.

Try Dialog and you'll see that charset handling there is almost perfect.


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