Hi all, I just received one of the few messages that ends up being filtered locally by TB! and not the server. Initially I thought the message had not been filtered since it was sitting right there in the Inbox. I selected it and 'no message loaded' remained in the preview pane. I hit reload, and same thing.
I left it and went to another folder and found that in fact, TB! had filtered the message (I had forgotten that one of my filters would catch and move the message). I read the message without problems and went back to the Inbox which still had the message there marked as unread. Compress didn't do anything. I deleted the cache and finally, the message disappeared from the Inbox list. Things are therefore still glitchy in this release, even for those like myself having better than an intolerable experience with IMAP. :) -- -= Curtis=- Using TB! v3.64.01 Christmas Edition System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name =-=-= ...Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm ________________________________________________________ Current beta is 3.63.16 | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first - http://www.ritlabs.com/en/partners/testers/