On 27/12/2005 at 6:36:35 AM [GMT -0500], Paul Van Noord wrote:

> I agree, the drop-downs are very distracting and slow the process,
> especially using Voyager on a flash drive. Here's hoping they drop
> dead!

<cough> And here was I hailing it's arrival. </cough><choke> ;)

In the past, I'd <ctrl>-<+> through possible matches to see that I don't
have the required address. With the drop down menu, this is clearly
evident without having to go through them.

Mulberry has an interesting method. You type the string and then hit
<enter>. If there's a single match, it just autocompletes. If there are
multiple matches, a little window with the possible matches listed
appears for you to choose the address from.

I don't mind either method, but both work better for *me*, than the
original. However, I've always been one to strongly advocate not taking
away prior useful behaviour from users. Always make new behaviour
optional or additive so that old behaviour can remain. I'm not referring
to how the interface looks but how the program behaves. This is one good
example. Here we have Paul wishing the drop down menu would drop dead.

Another behaviour that's in danger of being altered is the Outbox/Draft.
Some propose that one should not be able to drag and drop, copy or move
messages to it, and a draft folder used instead. Again, IMO, we
shouldn't take away that functionality if possible. Add the draft folder
and the switch to turn off copy/moving to outbox as has been done.
However, don't disable the feature completely since some users may
actually use it a lot and appreciate it.

  -= Curtis =-
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