Hallo Peter,

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 14:35:47 +0100GMT (29-12-2005, 14:35 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

PF> Jernej also gets them. As I wrote to Paul - I have changed nothing
PF> between everything ran OK to when they begun. As you can see, I am
PF> running .14 - here there is no problem. Nor in 3.62.12. Others in
PF> between give me AVs.

PF> All I do is exchange the exe.

What happens when you run TBV with a restored backup from your message
base? (The back-up is just to make sure that TBV uses the same message
base, so that differences in the base don't invalidate the results)

Groetjes, Roelof

I'd Have Written Sooner But I Thought I Owed You Money.

The Bat! 3.64.01 Christmas Edition
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
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OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

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