Hello Curtis,
Friday, January 6, 2006, 8:44:05 PM, you wrote:

> It would seem that on most occasions when I start TB!, the folder which
> is in focus on starting loses its Index in that the message list for the
> folder is blank. The message list then re-propagates. For a relatively
> slow connection and thousands of messages in the folder, this can be an
> annoyance.

> Is anyone else seeing this problem?

Yes and annoying not just for a slow connection.

> Additionally, the Inbox from which I do most message moving and
> deletions has a problem properly synching between locations. I have to
> be compressing the Inbox to get rid of messages deleted or moved while
> using TB! at another location.

And  duplicates  are still an issue. IMAP is much worse for me than it
was when it was still using the old queue.

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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