Hello Mary!

On Monday, January 09, 2006, 2:02 PM, Mary wrote:

> Dierk's templates have been working for him in this way ever since I
> began corresponding with him PM over 3 years ago.

Below, I inadvertently reversed the numbers for the TB! versions I was
referring to. :(

> It is only since he installed beta v. 3.63.04 that my entry won't
> work.

That should be v. 3.64.03.

> AS I understand it, he dropped back to the original full release v.
> 3.63.01 Christmas Edition. This cured a couple of the faults that
> turned up in beta v. 3.63.04 for him.

Should have written 3.64.01 Christmas Edition and 3.64.03, for the
current beta.

I am very sorry for my error and hope it won't cause confusion for
anyone who has read my post.

> But the QT AB entry for me is still not working, even after dropping
> back.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.64.03 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.64.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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