On 10/1/2006 at 1:31:59 PM [GMT -0500], Paul Meathrel wrote:

> IMAP is barely mentioned, is IMAP a tested part of the product or is
> it still at beta standard?

It's been present in many full release versions. However, my take from
what I'm seeing on the lists and from my own experience is that it's at
best still at a beta standard. Too many hiccups for serious use or
recommendation to others. I don't dare have it only running on my
system. I always have a fully configured alternative ready and waiting
for when problems start or come up. This is testimony to its stability
and reliability.

Additionally, I have to avoid so many of the options and set things in a
particular way to avoid issues. Because of this, you need a small crash
course on how to set things up so that you get it working, if it's at
all possible to do so on your particular machine and with your
particular connection and IMAP server/account. The passing user is
therefore invariably in problems from the outset.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.64.01 Christmas Edition / http://specs.aimlink.name
PGPKey: http://rsakey.aimlink.name
...I'm going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes.

 Current beta is 3.65 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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