miƩrcoles, 15 feb 2006 at 23:00, it seems you wrote:

Running smoothly with OTFE and Rainbow iKey 1000

> [+] Minor : Folder Maintenance stores previous operation checks
Love it. I was waiting it from the first 3.x

> [-] Search: optimizations

  /\    /                     Using The Bat! 3.70.10 "Qigong" (Beta) 
 /  \  /     \  /             Windows XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
/    \/ e t   \/ i c i o u s  Plugins: BayesIt! 0.8.4 and miniRelayPlug 0.05.50
   ........................   Last 24 hour Spam% it's 15%
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