
On 02-03-2006 18:27, you [SC] wrote in
DAC>> What a nightmare. I decided it was time to clean up my message
DAC>> base on IMAP, since I had about 20,000 messages in my TBOT folder.

SC> Yes, one of the IMAP issues still not working well at all.

As is copying messages TO the IMAP server - sometimes, dates are lost.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> 3.71.02 Pro </thebat version><extras> MyGate, AVG </extras>
<env.> 4 POP3, 9 IMAP (UWIMAP 2002e) & 1 IMAP (Exchange 6.5), 200K+ msgs. 
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 </os>  

 Current beta is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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