Hello Roelof,

CT>> I am not sure it is only a spam issue. For me it is almost always related
CT>> to the number of messages on server. I use TB at work and when I'm not in
CT>> the office and the number of messages on server grows grows over 400 I get
CT>> this error. When I get this, the dispacher also crashes.

CT>> It is weird, but OE also crashes.

RO> When two separate clients crash then it's possible that the server
RO> does strange things. It's still a bug though that the clients crash...

I made some experiments using a local email server (Inetserv), and I
succeeded in crashing it. I found that it was all about a bug in Inetserv,
but it made me think about it.

"If a remote user sends a buffer of approximately 800 bytes or more to the
mail server, the Inetserv process will crash."

Please, follow me for a while: what if some servers are configured (or
prone) to a maximum receive buffer (for spam protection purposes or just a
built-in bug) ? We could deal with a buffer-overflow caused by the email
client, and in this case the server just breaks the connection or crashes.

If this is the case, at which end should be things put in order - server or


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