On 19/3/2006 at 7:14:49 AM [GMT -0500], Goncalo Farias wrote:

> I use text emails 90% of the time.

HTML mail is not necessary. However, there is potential for abuse and
inappropriate use that leads to the discomfort of many readers. This
abuse of use is inevitable and far more difficult to control than simply
banning HTML use. The latter decision is that much easier since it
avoids complicating list management, and it's so easy to do without HTML
mail. The list runs just fine without it and all members can manage
without using it.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.72.04 (Beta) / http://specs.aimlink.name
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..."I've noticed that the press tends to be quite accurate, except when
they're writing on a subject I know something about." (Keith F. Lynch)

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