Hello Richard,

> I have tried on a different system and been able to replicate problem
> in it's entirty.
> 1) I went to a system that still had 3.6 on it. I replaced the .exe with
> 3.72.04 and replicated the problem (per attached) on four printers.
> 2) I removed the installation and installed v3.71.03 via .msi. No
> problem with the printing.
> 3) I replaced the .exe with 3.72.04 and got the same shrunken printing
> problem as the attached.

Smile! Because I think you are not totally alone.

I was able to replicate your problem. Well, not identical but quite

Please see the attached PDF (2 pages) and I will explain what I did.

I don't know why but I decided to go into my printer (HP Laserjet 4L)
advanced properties and change the Print Quality from the default
300X300 DPI to 150x150 DPI, assuming this would change the _quality_ but
not the size.

To my surprise, what I got with 150x150 was what is shown in first page
of the attachment. I then changed back to 300x300 and I got what you can
see in 2nd page of PDF, not quite what you get but close.

Another surprise. When printing a second, third, Nth time, without
making any changes in printer's properties, the printout comes out at
the proper page and text size. So, the tiny print happens only once.

And yet another surprise. I went back to 3.71.03 and repeated the
process of first switching to 150x100 dpi and the back to 300x300 and,
this is the surprise, I got exactly the same that with 3.72.04, first a
too large print, then a tiny one and, from there on, normal ones.

So, although I have not exactly duplicated what happens to you, I must
admit there is something wrong (at least strange) with TB's "print
engine", for two reasons:

- I always get the correct size when printing from TextPad, Word or
other applications, no matter if I set up 150x150 or 300x300 dpi.

- The "Print Quality" advance setting (150x150 or 300x300) in my printer
is actually for *Graphics*.

So yes, there is something strange, peculiar or however you want to call
it, with TB's 'print engine'.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.72.04 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

Attachment: TB_print.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

 Current beta is 3.72.04 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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