Hello All,

I use a color scheme consisting of a black background with silver text
for my header window (see attached image) -- I use a lot of color
groups, and for me, this scheme makes the other color headers stand
out more than when the default black text on white background is used.

I recently started using the "Group By Date" option, and noticed that
the color scheme for the "Today," "Yesterday," "Last Week," etc.
headers defaults to black text on a white background, and I couldn't
find a way to change it to match my "generic group" scheme. Is there a
setting to adjust that?

Also, the "+" and "-" symbols and the thread tree lines on the left
side of the header display (again, see attached image) are always
rendered in the default black text on white background scheme. It
would be nice if these could also be made to match the current
"generic group" color scheme.

I realize that these are cosmetic issues and rank really low in the
grand scheme of things, but I was hoping that if they are easily fixed
they could be addressed in an upcoming beta.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!


<<attachment: message-headers.jpg>>

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