Hi Marek,
On Fri, 5 May 2006, at 14:56:46 [GMT +0200] (which was 14:56 where I live) 
you wrote about: 'TB! and network administration'

> [!] Removed deprecated feature "Client-Server Mode"

So why was it deprecated, and why is it still listed as an option in the
helpfile (and not marked deprecated there) ?

In most other products features are marked 'deprecated' in the
documentation for years until they finally are dropped.

I agree with Vili that has been removed silently. Just one line in the long
readme, without explanation for the reason why it was removed.

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! 3.80.03 on Windows XP.5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
and Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.4


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