7/31/2006  10:06 AM

Hi vitalie,

On 7/31/2006 vitalie vrabie wrote:

vv> not anymore. long story. to cut it short, it's mindset-related. mine
vv> pretends to be an industrial one in the shift to postindustrial,
vv> theirs seem to be landlordery in the shift to industrial. what they've
vv> learned so far seems to be only leaving home on time.

Hmm...what have you learned to put you ahead of the pack? It seems
that to retain the purpose of TB development in its original form it
is important to listen and understand the originators of the purpose
without trying to reform them. I support changes in practice that add
enhancements to the original purpose. I do not support a change in
purpose since that is what started me on TB in 1998 and has kept me
here since. There are plenty of fish in the sea to allow for all folks
to find one that is comfortable. Please do not take away my choice
because its purpose doesn't mesh with yours. Better you would seek a
place who's purpose meshes with you.

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.80.04 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.1.2600
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