Hi Roelof,

On Saturday, 26 August, 2006 at 6:23:58 AM you wrote:

R>   On the Ritlabs forum some guys complain that TB doesn't address
R>   their messages when called with simple mapi, though this used to
R>   work.
R>   As I haven't got any programs that use simple mapi to address
R>   messages (not that I'm aware of anyway) I cannot check this myself.
R>   Any takers?

Two programs:

I have a program that gives an error message saying there's no mapi
installed. I had complained years ago about this but no one knew how
to address my problem. The error message reads:

-------------------------- Solar Fire ---------------------------
Windows report that you do not have a MAPI enabled email program. The
email functions in Solar Fire will probably fail to work.
--------------------------- OK ---------------------------

Another is the word processor Atlantis
http://www.atlantiswordprocessor.com/en/. When I try to email a
document, it brings up TB's window but no message. The program goes
into a white screen program not responding configuration now. I did
work briefly at some point, but is not now working.

Other users of these programs who use Outlook and mail programs like
Eudora report no problems. When I've reported to the developers they
say that TB! is non-standard.



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