Hello Ron!

On Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 12:09 PM, you wrote:

> The  problem  with  the "broken header" was that my WinRar program was
> outdated.

Thanks for reporting. May help the next person who has a similar

> Unfortunately,  even  though I successfully unpacked the beta, I still
> can't use it because my The Bat program is too far outdated.

As Richard Wakeford mentioned in his message

the cost of an upgrade is relatively small. I think RitLabs has been
offering a reduced price for an upgrade. Yes. Here's the page URL:


Depending on the version, there's a discount of between 10 and 14 U.S.
dollars. Copy-and-paste of that part of the page:

Upgrade from prevoius versions, 30% discount

The Bat! Upgrade (Student)      $17.50  
The Bat! Upgrade (Home)         $24.50  
The Bat! Upgrade (Pro)  $31.50

It's been well worth it to me--setting up filters is simpler and there
are quite a few other features that make life easier. Customizing is
possible--though there's a slight learning curve to customizing the
toolbars and especially to customizing the keyboard shortcuts.

But there are now many TB! users who have mastered the steps to those
two new things, and you would find help on TBUDL with them.

I encourage you to consider upgrading.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.81.17 RC1 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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