Howdy Mary,

Monday, October 9, 2006, 11:10:35 PM, Mary wrotened:

MB> Therefore, my feature wish is for an Alert Box, which, when I change
MB> the handle in the To: field, after typing in the message body because
MB> my attention was distracted, will pop up.

MB> It might say something like (and a big thank-you to Alexander Kunz for
MB> this suggestion):

MB> ===============
MB> Warning - the TO address uses a different message template than the one
MB> that was initially applied. Do you want to discard any changes in the
MB> editor and apply the new template? <YES/NO>
MB> ===============

I've  been  watching  this  topic  in  this thread and the other for a
while.  And  to  be  honest I am not sure on which side of the fence I
sit.  However  if it is a problem, then we are missing a large part of
the  argument. I know Mary's point of view is focusing on the security
aspect  (which  I  believe  to  be  a slightly erroneous aspect of the
argument  as  I  don't  believe  any  security will be able to prevent
anyone  determined  enough from reading your mail, but then I have not
really  looked  into  or read up about the security aspect and this is
not  on  the  topic  we  are here to discuss), however the point about
template  being applied after editing the message body is interesting.

Personally  having  several accounts with slightly different templates
for  each  one  I  have noticed this problem previously. If I have one
account  currently selected, and viewing from the mail ticker select a
message,  that  has  been  sent to another account, TB will invoke the
template that responds to the account selected in the main TB window.

Now  as  far as I can see this is a similar situation to Mary's, where
TB  invokes  the  wrong  template, or rather a template that we didn't
want. I haven't really thought of whether this behaviour is feature or
bug. I'm just used to it.

Just my (largely irrelevant) 2p.

Have Fun,

Ben Allen

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