"Thomas Fernandez" wrote on 02/01/2007 at 02:52:20 +1100 
subject "TB! freezes if "RAS Dial Entry" contains an invalid entry" :

> Hello Hendrik,

> On Mon, 1 Jan 2007 08:12:44 +1100 GMT (01/01/2007, 04:12 +0700 GMT),
> Hendrik Oesterlin wrote:

HO>> I have in the Registry the following entries concerning RAS:

HO>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!]
HO>> "RAS Dial Entry"="Can'l"

HO>> I think, that only the entry

HO>> "RAS Dial Entry"="Can'l"

HO>> is of importance here. "Can'l" was the name of a dial-in-connection I
HO>> used some years ago, but it does not longer exist.

> Change it in Options / Netowrk&Admin / Network / dial-up.

I can not de-select it there, as there is only the choice for the
still existing (even if I do not use it) dial-up connection. Even if I
make random changes in this dialog, the registry entry remains the
same. (see PNG)

Hendrik Oesterlin - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TheBat! 3.95.6 and Regula Anti-Spam Plugin   on Windows 2000

Attachment: dialup.png
Description: PNG image

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