Hello. On the seventh April 2007 I wrote:

Mistakes, as always. TB! sometime uses 'non-breaking space' (character
with code x0A) as a space.

> This  regexp  splits an url into two parts - the first with old url,
> and  the  second, longer with special characters. So, You must click
> on part after 'ß'. I think this is a 'safe solution'.


> If You prefer one long url use this regexp:


A short explanation. First we search a fragment 'HREF="addres' (\x3D
stands for '='), the second substring is '">addres', the third '</A>'.
The fourth is hardest to understand: we search a sign which is NOT a
non-breaking space or dot, comma, ampersand or parentheses etc (if
there is other character, it should be a part of URL). After that we
search for any number of characters which are not a space,
non-breaking space, '<' or '>'. And which is not an ampersand '&' -
this could be controversial, because ampersands are valid in URLs, but
it's also a special character in HTML entities (for example '&gt;')
and it's hard to distinguish an ampersand in entity and in 'part of
URL after national character'.

> Both  doesn't  if  national  character  is  a  first character after
> 'www.'.

...but this somewhat works. At least with Jernej's example
http://čšž.ena.si/ or with page like this: www.żółw.pl


Tested (too little) with Opera and Windows XP.

BTW a plugin for IE: <http://www.idnnow.com/>

Konrad Szkudlarczyk

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