Warsaw/PL, Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hello Peter,

On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, at 12:13:04 (which was 12:13 where I live)
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

PH>   until 3.99.08 TB used to place the cursor exactly on the position of the
PH>   %cursor macro when replying to a message.

PH>   Since 3.99.09 it places it in the To: line, marking the whole address.

PH>   Confirmations?

Confirmed for *3.99.09*

Michal Kosinski 
TB! 3.99.9 (EF79B4F8) | Windows XP 5.1.2600 Dodatek Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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