Hello Paul
On Friday, August 24, 2007 you wrote:

First I changed the subject of this discussion so we weren't
continually hijacking the thread about the file itself

> 8/24/2007  7:18 AM

> Hi Rick,

> On 8/24/2007 Rick Grunwald wrote:

RG>> Would you please share the
RG>> name(s) of the historians?

Which historian(s) have made this claim? You made the statement,
please back it up

> It is at least as credible as:
RG>> LIKE IT!!!!!!

Your logic escapes me. HTML is in wide use. I don't particularly care
for it although I use it once in a while for emails that need a
presentation mode. I change MOST HTML emails to plain text when
forwarding or replying.

Yet, HTML has widespread usage and can be used
in many positive ways; sending pictures in a formatted display etc. My
original reply was agreeing with most of the complaints about
bandwidth and storage - all the points are true. Yet HTML email is
here to stay (unless something better replaces it) and it's use is
growing and products like the Bat must address this to remain

> Methamphetamines is a word that isn't even in my
> spell checker yet it
> has been around for for more than 100 years. It was
> used during WW II:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methamphetamine#History

> It has only been a decade, or so, that the usage is
> common among
> millions of people. It has been labeled as the most
> dangerous and
> debilitating drug. Does this mean I should use it?
> I think not!

What has this got to do with ANYTHING?
HTML has nothing to do with methamphetamine usage, crack smoking,
children dying in Africa, premarital sex, Hitler, Stalin or any one of
the myriad of issues perceived by some as evil; past OR present

It has to do with Web pages and email

You remind me of a friend that stuck with OS/2 until last year since
it was the best operating system out there, Bill Gates is evil and
Window was a ploy to take over the Internet and presumable the world

A case can be made for all those statements. Yet Windows is the
dominating force and by far the largest in use in desktop
environments. (Linux is coming along but is not ready for home use yet
and yes I know about the graphical desktops like Ubantu etc. Windows
still has the market)

... but consider all he missed by sticking with an OUTDATED concept
even past the time when IBM abandoned it internally for Windows

The Bat Version 3.99.21 (BETA)
on Windows XP, Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.21 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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