We've made two major bug fixes in 3.99.24:

[-] When a folder database is destroyed, TB! tries to restore it from a backup 
file (major fix)
[-] There were no scroll bars in the internal image viewer

There were three minor changes:

[*] Under Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Vista and later or 
Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows Server 2008 and later, The Bat! uses the new 
advanced API call RegGetValue to read string configuration from the Registry.
[*] The Bat! now uses the new format of Authenticode signatures. The new format 
provides a description of the signed content and the URL with more information 
about the signed content.
[*] New, native Windows Vista file open and save dialogs are used under this 
version of Windows.


Please test these files whether they work properly. We would like to replace 
3.99.24 with these files on the site in 2-3 days.

 Current beta is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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