On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, at 00:05:45 [GMT -0800] (which was 9:05 where I
live) Neal Laugman wrote:

Hi Neil,

>>> We have removed ASLR from The Bat!, because it have caused many
>>> troubles under Windows Vista, mostly at startup. Please try The Bat!
>>> 3.99.27 without ASLR. Please let two hours for the files to be uploaded.

>> With this version Antispamsniper stopped working  

> This earlier AntispamSniper seems to be working properly with lots of
> POP accounts.

This version too, but not with .27 ;-)
I've looked for this former version but all I could find was the one I
am using now.

Henk M. de Bruijn
The Bat! E-Mail System version 3.99.25 Pro on Windows XP SP2
AntispamSniper for the Bat!

Attachment: pgp7c5FpQDHQw.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.99.27 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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