tbbeta and Henk,

> When the message pane is empty ("no new messages" tab for example) the
> preview pane draws whatever is on top of it. In Delphi I would say the
> pane is not invalidating properly. Here's the screenshot:

> http://nealtech.us/files/images/tb-screenshot2.png

> You can see MicroEd (this message) and Process Explorer in the preview
> pane.

Here is a more interesting screenshot that shows that the preview pane
is transparent when the app is restored from the tray icon:


Pretty wild to look at :)

> *********************************************************************

> Different problem I will post on as soon as I know more: Antispam
> Sniper is going bazerk on shutdown when there are current tasks and
> you instruct to shutdown gracefully (TB does not shut down) and
> Process Explorer shows ASSniper generating a multitude of threads.
> More on this one later.


I have to do some more investigating. Do you have any problems
shutting down with active tasks? This is when I see the problem. There
is usually one account hung up trying to check mail and another task
named : Windows Management that is in the list. Tomorrow I will get
some screenshots and more data. I'm pretty sure that ASSniper has
something to do with it. Later

  Using TheBat! v4.0.0.7 (ALPHA) on Windows XP Service Pack 2
  AntispamSniper  OTFE enabled

 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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